Wednesday, December 14, 2011
December Charity of the Month
Our December Charity of the Month is The Sunshine Kids. That means a portion of the proceeds from every shirt sold in December goes to support this great charity.
It’s The Sunshine Kids Foundation’s goal to add quality of life to children with cancer by providing them with exciting, positive group activities, so they may once again do what kids are supposed to do... have fun and celebrate life!
“The Sunshine Kids Foundation was founded by Rhoda Tomasco in 1982 while she was serving as a volunteer in the pediatric cancer unit of a hospital in Houston, Texas. After seeing the loneliness and depression among children during their extended hospital treatments, Rhoda had a vision to provide these young cancer patients with opportunities to participate in positive group activities which promoted self-esteem, personal accomplishment and just plain old fashioned fun! Today, that vision has been realized many times over, as thousands of children from hospitals across the country have reaped the benefits of The Sunshine Kids Foundation’s many programs and national and regional events. Funded by personal contributions, corporations and foundations, the Sunshine Kids continues, as it has since its inception, to provide all of its activities completely free of charge to the children’s families and hospitals.”
– The Sunshine Kid’s Website
So go to and pick up a tee or two and make a difference today. Help us save the world, one t-shirt at a time. Visit our website to learn more about our TomboyTeez Gives Back programs, and for a look at this and the other charities we are supporting.
Cat Crimins
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
November Charity Of The Month
Our November Charity of the Month is Equality Now. That means a portion of the proceeds from every shirt sold in November goes to support this amazing charity that fights for women’s rights all over the world. Some of the issues that Equality Now is fighting globally are sex trafficking, female genital mutilation and sexual violence against girls and woman.
“Equality Now works for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women and girls around the world. Working with grassroots women’s and human rights organizations and individual activists since 1992, Equality Now documents violence and discrimination against women and mobilizes international action to support efforts to stop these abuses.”
Equality Now also happens to be a charity that Joss Whedon is very passionate about. And we just happen to love Joss Whedon, so we are very proud to be helping out Equality Now as much as we can. His passion for this organization has inspired Firefly fans everywhere. Can’t Stop the Serenity is a fan-run fundraiser that screens Serenity in theaters to raise money for Equality Now. Can’t Stop the Serenity has raised over half a million dollars for Equality Now in just 5 years.
Why Joss Whedon inspires so much loyalty and devotion among his fans is a topic for another email. Why Joss Whedon is passionate about Equality Now is quite simple. As long as women around the world are victims of violence and discrimination, Equality Now will be there fighting the good fight. Watch Joss’s inspirational call to action.
So get a Firefly inspired tee, or any tee and make a difference today. Help us save the world, one t-shirt at a time. Visit our website to learn more about our TomboyTeez Gives Back programs, and for a look at this and the other charities we our supporting.
“Equality Now works for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women and girls around the world. Working with grassroots women’s and human rights organizations and individual activists since 1992, Equality Now documents violence and discrimination against women and mobilizes international action to support efforts to stop these abuses.”
– Equality Now Website

Why Joss Whedon inspires so much loyalty and devotion among his fans is a topic for another email. Why Joss Whedon is passionate about Equality Now is quite simple. As long as women around the world are victims of violence and discrimination, Equality Now will be there fighting the good fight. Watch Joss’s inspirational call to action.
So get a Firefly inspired tee, or any tee and make a difference today. Help us save the world, one t-shirt at a time. Visit our website to learn more about our TomboyTeez Gives Back programs, and for a look at this and the other charities we our supporting.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Our October Charity of the Month
Our October Charity of the Month is one that is very dear to me personally. I have been a part of many non-profit organizations and charity events, but Shane's Inspiration is one of my favorites. Not only do they do wonderful things for families with all abilities, but they are simply a great bunch of people to be around!
The mission of Shane's Inspiration is to foster a bias-free world for children with disabilities through the creation of inclusive playgrounds and programs.
Shane's Inspiration was co-founded in 1998 by Tiffany Harris and her friends, Catherine Curry-Williams and Scott Williams in memory of their son, Shane Alexander. Shane's Inspiration has evolved into a widely recognized, international non-profit, creating Universally Accessible Playgrounds and programs that integrate children of all abilities socially, physically and emotionally, fostering acceptance, friendship and understanding. To date they have created 40 playgrounds, 3 in conjunction with the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic - Paralympic Games, as well as the first accessible playground in the country of Mexico.
Shane's Inspiration's full spectrum service programs work in partnership with municipalities, community groups and families to ensure the successful fruition of universally accessible playground. They are the only non-profit organization implementing full curriculum ability awareness educational programming that works in tandem with accessible playgrounds, creating a powerful global inclusionary awareness legacy which transforms the lives of thousands of children each year.
So please buy one of our teez, and a portion of all the sales in October goes to help support this wonderful organization. Stop by their website to see how else you can help. They need volunteers for their play dates and for their events. This is a very rewarding organization to work with. These children will amaze and move you, and the organizers will become family.
Warmest regards,

Allison Brockford
Managing Director
The mission of Shane's Inspiration is to foster a bias-free world for children with disabilities through the creation of inclusive playgrounds and programs.
Shane's Inspiration was co-founded in 1998 by Tiffany Harris and her friends, Catherine Curry-Williams and Scott Williams in memory of their son, Shane Alexander. Shane's Inspiration has evolved into a widely recognized, international non-profit, creating Universally Accessible Playgrounds and programs that integrate children of all abilities socially, physically and emotionally, fostering acceptance, friendship and understanding. To date they have created 40 playgrounds, 3 in conjunction with the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic - Paralympic Games, as well as the first accessible playground in the country of Mexico.
Shane's Inspiration's full spectrum service programs work in partnership with municipalities, community groups and families to ensure the successful fruition of universally accessible playground. They are the only non-profit organization implementing full curriculum ability awareness educational programming that works in tandem with accessible playgrounds, creating a powerful global inclusionary awareness legacy which transforms the lives of thousands of children each year.
So please buy one of our teez, and a portion of all the sales in October goes to help support this wonderful organization. Stop by their website to see how else you can help. They need volunteers for their play dates and for their events. This is a very rewarding organization to work with. These children will amaze and move you, and the organizers will become family.
Warmest regards,

Allison Brockford
Managing Director
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Japanese Red Cross Is Our September Charity
On March 11th, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake hit Japan. Minutes later a 23 foot high tsunami hit the Northeast coast of the country, wiping out entire towns in its wake. The images of the devastation are almost unbelievable.
It has been six months since the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan. Over 20,000 people are confirmed dead or missing and tens of thousands are still in temporary housing. The search and rescue crews are all gone. Now the clean up and restoration are in full swing. It’s estimated that it will take 3 years to clean up the 25 million tons of debris and rubble left behind where buildings and homes once stood. Roads need to be rebuilt and power and water services need to be restored. People’s lives need to be pieced back together. The real work in Japan has only just begun.
That’s why we’ve chosen the Japanese Red Cross as our September Charity of the Month. A portion of all t-shirt sales in the month of September will go directly to this worthy organization.

Donations to the JRC go to such services as:
It has been six months since the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan. Over 20,000 people are confirmed dead or missing and tens of thousands are still in temporary housing. The search and rescue crews are all gone. Now the clean up and restoration are in full swing. It’s estimated that it will take 3 years to clean up the 25 million tons of debris and rubble left behind where buildings and homes once stood. Roads need to be rebuilt and power and water services need to be restored. People’s lives need to be pieced back together. The real work in Japan has only just begun.
That’s why we’ve chosen the Japanese Red Cross as our September Charity of the Month. A portion of all t-shirt sales in the month of September will go directly to this worthy organization.

Donations to the JRC go to such services as:
- Building temporary housing
- Providing healthcare
- Supporting orphaned children and the elderly
So start shopping at and make a difference today. Help us save the world, one t-shirt at a time. Visit our website to learn more about our TomboyTeez Gives Backprograms, and for a look at this and the other charities we our supporting.
Take care,
Cat Crimins
Friday, July 29, 2011
The Greater Good
Fighting for the Greater Good is something that is very important to us. It’s what started Xena down the road to redemption... Why Han, Leia and Luke were fighting the Evil Empire... Why Mulder and Scully were searching for the truth... The Greater Good is worth fighting for. It’s helping those who can’t help themselves. It’s doing whatever you can to make the world a better place. And now is joining the fight.
We are pleased to announce our Charity of the Month program. Starting in August, we’ll choose one charity to spotlight every month. During that entire month, a portion of the proceeds from every shirt sold on our website will be donated to that charity. It’s our way of giving back and hopefully inspiring others to do the same.

Real Medicine Foundation’s vision is to move beyond traditional humanitarian aid programs by creating long-term solutions to health care and poverty related issues, focusing on development and capacity building. By empowering people and providing them with the necessary resources, we pave the way for communities to become strong and self-sufficient.” — Real Medicine Foundation, 2010

So start shopping at and make a difference today. Help us save the world, one t-shirt at a time. Visit our website to learn more about our TomboyTeez Gives Backprograms, and for a look at this and the other charities we our supporting.
Cat Crimins
Thursday, July 14, 2011 Does Dallas! has been around since the fall of 2009 but only a few people knew about it back then. Included in those few were two of my best friends, Allison ("Ali") and Stephanie ("Brock") Brockford. I enlisted them in January of 2010 to help me bring TomboyTeez (or TTZ as we affectionately call it) to life. Ali has design and screen printing experience and Stephanie has marketing and web design experience. So we joined forces and started building We opened for business officially in December of 2010 and we were all so proud of our web baby we could hardly stand it.
Then in February of this year my partners in crime told me they were leaving Los Angeles and moving to Dallas (that’s in Texas). Brock was born and raised in Dallas, and LA had little left to offer this young family. “Los Angeles was not working out for us as a family. We want our daughter to grow up in a nice house, in a safe neighborhood. With the way things were going, that was never going to happen.” – Ali.
Leaving LA: An Odyssey
As you can imagine pulling up stakes and moving a family of three 1,400 miles away was a snap. No problem. Easy peasy. Or not.
Then in February of this year my partners in crime told me they were leaving Los Angeles and moving to Dallas (that’s in Texas). Brock was born and raised in Dallas, and LA had little left to offer this young family. “Los Angeles was not working out for us as a family. We want our daughter to grow up in a nice house, in a safe neighborhood. With the way things were going, that was never going to happen.” – Ali.
Leaving LA: An Odyssey

On Sunday March 20th, as all of their worldly possessions were on a moving truck bound for Texas, The Brockfords were trying to escape LA. Ali needed to start her new job at 9am Monday morning and Los Angeles was experiencing its biggest rain storm in recent memory. And we’re not just talking about a wimpy Southern California rain storm; we’re talking serious down pour. That day they dealt with canceled flights, long ticket counter lines, a stir crazy 18 month old, stand by lists, plane changes, late airport shuttles and closed rental car companies. But they made it to Brock’s Dad’s place by 3am, giving Ali a few hours to rest before her first day at her new job. “That was a rough, long day, and the next day was pretty difficult for Ali. But I do have to say that I really felt a sense of accomplishment that we even made it!” – Brock.
I’m glad they survived that day and made it in one piece. I couldn’t be prouder of them for making the move. Dallas is lucky to have them. I miss them like crazy but thanks to TTZ we talk and text constantly and Skype remind us of what each other looks like.
I’m glad they survived that day and made it in one piece. I couldn’t be prouder of them for making the move. Dallas is lucky to have them. I miss them like crazy but thanks to TTZ we talk and text constantly and Skype remind us of what each other looks like.
Los Angeles’ Loss Is Dallas’ Gain
I have to say I wasn’t thrilled to find out that three of my favorite humans would be moving several states away but I knew it was a great decision for the Brockfords. And I also knew that the day to day operations of TomboyTeez would not be affected. In fact the T-shirts don’t know the Brockfords have moved. Shhhh. “Actually the distance and time change has probably forced us to be more on top of communication and timelines.” Brock adds “If anything, it’s opened us up to new opportunities in a different market – like the chance to do Dallas Pride!” Speaking of Dallas Pride...
TomboyTeez Does Dallas…Y’all!

Sunday, June 12, 2011
Happy Pride!
We are on day 2 of LA Pride 2011!
At this very moment I am huddled in the back of our booth writing this. This is our first event and we are having a blast. Our shirts have been a huge hit and we've talked to some awesome people. It's a fun event. There are people of all ages, shapes, sizes and walks of life having a good time. We're all about good times.
We've also learned a lot this weekend.
1. Drunk people like buying shirts. God bless them.
2. Lady GaGa will be stuck in my head for a week. Apparently she's big with the gays.
3. You should hydrate if you're going to drink vodka and Rockstar all day. We've seen too many
EMTs pushing stretchers by our booth. Not good times.
4. We should sell V necks. Gay boys like V necks.
5. We have awesome friends!
The last one is probably the most important one. So many friends have come out to support us! Thank you guys so much!
This is a monumental weekend for us. Last year at LA Pride we weren't officially open for business yet. Our website was still being built and we only had a hand full of designs finished. And now we're here and it's going great and I am so proud. Proud that people love our shirts! Proud that Brock and Ali, my partners in t-shirt crime, believed in the company so much (even when there were times when I didn't) that they have worked their asses off to make TomboyTeez a reality. Thank you guys. This event wouldn't be going as well as it is if it wasn't for you guys.
So this is a weekend that will live in TomboyTeez infamy. Our first live event and our first Pride event. And it's going so great! OK. Breaks over. More to come later.
We've also learned a lot this weekend.
1. Drunk people like buying shirts. God bless them.
2. Lady GaGa will be stuck in my head for a week. Apparently she's big with the gays.
3. You should hydrate if you're going to drink vodka and Rockstar all day. We've seen too many
EMTs pushing stretchers by our booth. Not good times.
4. We should sell V necks. Gay boys like V necks.
5. We have awesome friends!
The last one is probably the most important one. So many friends have come out to support us! Thank you guys so much!
This is a monumental weekend for us. Last year at LA Pride we weren't officially open for business yet. Our website was still being built and we only had a hand full of designs finished. And now we're here and it's going great and I am so proud. Proud that people love our shirts! Proud that Brock and Ali, my partners in t-shirt crime, believed in the company so much (even when there were times when I didn't) that they have worked their asses off to make TomboyTeez a reality. Thank you guys. This event wouldn't be going as well as it is if it wasn't for you guys.
So this is a weekend that will live in TomboyTeez infamy. Our first live event and our first Pride event. And it's going so great! OK. Breaks over. More to come later.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Celebrate Earth Day With Bigfoot!
Rawr! (that means Happy Earth Day in Bigfoot)
Who's a better Earth Day mascot then Bigfoot? He wanders around the Pacific Northwest not wearing any shoes. In other words, he's a hippie. Hippies and Earth Day go together like granola and petuli. So in honor of Earth Day we are celebrating our favorite crytid. What if you don't believe in him? Listen, Bigfoot has plenty of other things to worry about besides whether or not you believe in him. Global warming, deforestation, leprechaun immigration. Believe in him or don't. It's no hair off his foot. Or ours.
Bigfoot made his small screen debut in 1967 thanks to the now infamous Patterson Film. And although the authenticity of the film itself is still being debated among Bigfoot researchers and skeptics, the imagery of the animal featured in it persists and has found a permanent place in our popular culture.
Bigfoot hasn't always been Bigfoot. He also goes by Sasquatch, Skunk Ape, Wild Man or Hairy Man. But in 1958 the name Bigfoot was born after numerous large foot prints were showing up around a work site near Bluff Creek, California. The locals began referring to whatever was making the tracks as Big Foot and the nickname has stuck ever since.
But it takes more than a cool name to make a legend stick. What is it about Bigfoot that has captured our imagination for so long? Why does he inspire hoaxes, and music festivals, and beer?
"Every so often we hear of another sighting or footprint find in some part of the country. The icon can't die because he keeps appearing to remind us he is still around" says Harold Benny of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization or BFRO. He's right. There are Bigfoot sightings and encounters documented and reported every year. Bigfoot is still apart of our culture because he isn't going anywhere. He's a living legend.
Michael Esordi, President of the Believe It Tour has another perspective. "For me Bigfoot is the perfect icon for anti-establishment. He doesn't care what's cool or not and prefers not to be bothered by society." Damn straight. The Man ain't gonna keep Bigfoot down or in or whatever. Walking barefoot through the forest, no rules, no cellphones, no clothes. Bigfoot is a hippie. Or maybe not. But maybe there's a part of us that wants to be like Bigfoot. No responsibilities other than staying alive and not being seen.Tempting.
In early accounts of the creature dating back over a hundred years, the local Native North American tribes were frightened of the creature. There are even stories of a Bigfoot like creature attacking humans. But in recent years Bigfoot has become a friendly, almost comical figure. Thanks to Harry and the Hendersons, released in 1987, Bigfoot was reborn as a friendly, lovable creature who wants to hang out, watch TV and eat junk food.
"Years ago Bigfoot was portrayed as a frightening beast on film in The Legend of Boggy Creek, which scared many kids back in the day. Then came Harry and the Hendersons and Bigfoot was transformed into a lovable character. That movie really had an impact on how mainstream culture imagines Bigfoot to be" notes Esordi. And being featured on television shows like The Simpsons and Family Guy does nothing but help solidify your pop culture icon status.
He was one of several official mascots of the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. It makes sense, Vancouver and the surrounding areas have been a hot bed for Bigfoot sightings for 200 hundred years. He's just as much apart of Canadian culture as he is in the States. But to choose him as a mascot on a global stage for the world to enjoy? Way to go Canada!
The big guy has also been busy selling products on TV. Most recently beef jerky. In the funny Jack Link's 'Messin' With Sasquatch' ads, a group of hikers are pulling pranks on Sasquatch. All of the commercials end with Bigfoot getting his revenge, normally this means throwing one of the pranksters through the air like a rag doll. Note to self, Bigfoot might not have a sense of humor.
And even though Bigfoot has gotten a lot of exposure and coverage from main stream culture over the years, the fact remains that the search for him is still on. Bigfoot researchers and Paranormal investigators are still out there looking. As long as they are and as long as people keep reporting new encounters, he's not going anywhere. Esordi adds "With the numerous reality shows out there showing explorers in the field looking for evidence of the creature, viewers can sit back and dream of being that person on TV that's out to make the next big discovery. For me when I'm out doing research I hope that if I do run into an eight foot tall Bigfoot he's like Harry and just smiles back at me." Amen.
Cat Crimins
To learn more about the Believe It Tour check out their website at
Want to check for Bigfoot sightings in your area? Log on to
Check out our new Bigfoot shirt at
Who's a better Earth Day mascot then Bigfoot? He wanders around the Pacific Northwest not wearing any shoes. In other words, he's a hippie. Hippies and Earth Day go together like granola and petuli. So in honor of Earth Day we are celebrating our favorite crytid. What if you don't believe in him? Listen, Bigfoot has plenty of other things to worry about besides whether or not you believe in him. Global warming, deforestation, leprechaun immigration. Believe in him or don't. It's no hair off his foot. Or ours.
Image taken from Patterson Film
Bigfoot made his small screen debut in 1967 thanks to the now infamous Patterson Film. And although the authenticity of the film itself is still being debated among Bigfoot researchers and skeptics, the imagery of the animal featured in it persists and has found a permanent place in our popular culture.
Bigfoot hasn't always been Bigfoot. He also goes by Sasquatch, Skunk Ape, Wild Man or Hairy Man. But in 1958 the name Bigfoot was born after numerous large foot prints were showing up around a work site near Bluff Creek, California. The locals began referring to whatever was making the tracks as Big Foot and the nickname has stuck ever since.
But it takes more than a cool name to make a legend stick. What is it about Bigfoot that has captured our imagination for so long? Why does he inspire hoaxes, and music festivals, and beer?
"Every so often we hear of another sighting or footprint find in some part of the country. The icon can't die because he keeps appearing to remind us he is still around" says Harold Benny of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization or BFRO. He's right. There are Bigfoot sightings and encounters documented and reported every year. Bigfoot is still apart of our culture because he isn't going anywhere. He's a living legend.
Michael Esordi, President of the Believe It Tour has another perspective. "For me Bigfoot is the perfect icon for anti-establishment. He doesn't care what's cool or not and prefers not to be bothered by society." Damn straight. The Man ain't gonna keep Bigfoot down or in or whatever. Walking barefoot through the forest, no rules, no cellphones, no clothes. Bigfoot is a hippie. Or maybe not. But maybe there's a part of us that wants to be like Bigfoot. No responsibilities other than staying alive and not being seen.Tempting.
In early accounts of the creature dating back over a hundred years, the local Native North American tribes were frightened of the creature. There are even stories of a Bigfoot like creature attacking humans. But in recent years Bigfoot has become a friendly, almost comical figure. Thanks to Harry and the Hendersons, released in 1987, Bigfoot was reborn as a friendly, lovable creature who wants to hang out, watch TV and eat junk food.
"Years ago Bigfoot was portrayed as a frightening beast on film in The Legend of Boggy Creek, which scared many kids back in the day. Then came Harry and the Hendersons and Bigfoot was transformed into a lovable character. That movie really had an impact on how mainstream culture imagines Bigfoot to be" notes Esordi. And being featured on television shows like The Simpsons and Family Guy does nothing but help solidify your pop culture icon status.
Bigfoot's footprints (too much?) can be seen not only in film and television. He's helped to cheer on athletes as well. He was the Seattle SuperSonics mascot before they moved to Oklahoma in 2008. But they should have kept him. Oklahoma has several Bigfoot sightings each year. And my favorite Bigfoot inspired mascot to date has to be Quatchi.
The big guy has also been busy selling products on TV. Most recently beef jerky. In the funny Jack Link's 'Messin' With Sasquatch' ads, a group of hikers are pulling pranks on Sasquatch. All of the commercials end with Bigfoot getting his revenge, normally this means throwing one of the pranksters through the air like a rag doll. Note to self, Bigfoot might not have a sense of humor.
And even though Bigfoot has gotten a lot of exposure and coverage from main stream culture over the years, the fact remains that the search for him is still on. Bigfoot researchers and Paranormal investigators are still out there looking. As long as they are and as long as people keep reporting new encounters, he's not going anywhere. Esordi adds "With the numerous reality shows out there showing explorers in the field looking for evidence of the creature, viewers can sit back and dream of being that person on TV that's out to make the next big discovery. For me when I'm out doing research I hope that if I do run into an eight foot tall Bigfoot he's like Harry and just smiles back at me." Amen.
Cat Crimins
To learn more about the Believe It Tour check out their website at
Want to check for Bigfoot sightings in your area? Log on to
Check out our new Bigfoot shirt at
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Happy Passover!
Everyone here at wants to wish you and yours a Happy Passover or to our Hebrew speaking friends, Pesach same'ach!
Now, pass over the Manishewitz.
The Tomboys at
Thursday, March 17, 2011
St. Patrick's Day In LA: Which pub is for you?
St. Patrick's Day is here and that means we are all Irish for the day. In an effort to help you make the most of your day, I've done a little research on the topic of Irish pubs in Los Angeles. I am part Irish after-all (1/8th, to be exact) so obviously I'm an expert when it comes to all things pub.
The good news is that there is no shortage of pubs in Los Angeles. But that's also the bad news. How are you going to decide where to go? So many choices. Unless you have a favorite spot all picked out or you're plan is to drive around until you see shamrocks, I have a few suggestions. But please drink (and eat) responsibly.
Finn McCool's Irish Pub
2702 Main Street
Santa Monica, 90405
(310) 452 - 1734
There is a lot to love about this place. For starters, the bar itself was shipped to LA from Dublin. And to go along with the authentic Irish bar, most of the staff is Irish as well. There's nothing like hearing an Irish brogue to get you in the mood for St. Patty's Day. And if you come for the accents you'll stay for the food. Along with the traditional Irish fare they also have an extensive vegan and vegetarian menu if you'd rather have a healthier meal with your Guinness. On the other hand there's the Irish Nachos; cheddar cheese, Irish bacon, sour cream and salsa on top of their house made thick cut chips. So. Good.
They'll be open at 9am St Patrick's Day. Live traditional Irish music from 1-5pm then live rock and roll from 9pm to closing (around 2am).
Casey's Irish Pub
613 South Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, 90017
(213) 629 - 2353
Casey's is located in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles.This place has been here since 1969. It feels a bit moody; it's dark and rich and almost stylized. It's no wonder it's been used to film countless television shows and movies. There are a lot of cool elements in this pub including the ginormous mahogany bar, behind which you'll find all manner of Irish whiskeys and beers. They feature a good selection of Irish fare including a Guinness stew served with some of the best Irish soda bread I've ever had. And speaking of Guinness, you'll find it on the menu in two different places; on the drink menu and under the appetizers. Love it.
To celebrate St. Patrick's Day Casey's is closing the street out front. They'll have live music all day with no cover. And plenty of green beer, of course.
Timmy Nolan's Tavern and Grill
10111 Riverside Drive
Toluca Lake, 91602
(818) 985 - 3359
Timmy's is my local pub so I'm a bit partial to it. It has two stories of Irish charm and hospitality, you can either belly up to the downstairs bar or find a cozy booth upstairs. It's also a great place for sports fans with their 11 flat screens. They have over 20 beers on tap and over 20 Irish whiskeys available and a knowledgeable staff to help you decide which is the right one for you. The menu is full of Irish pub grub and comfort food - try the mac and cheese or the Irish Nachos. Timmy's Irish Nachos are very different than Finn's; Finn's are prepared with a bit more pizazz and, lets say restraint. Timmy's nachos are shameless and bad for you but perfect for soaking up all those pints you just drank. Steak-style fries smothered in cheese, Irish stew, bacon and who cares what else. And if that's not enough, try the Black Irish Brownie, topped with Jack Daniels caramel sauce and home made whipped cream.
Timmy's is celebrating St. Patrick's Day with bagpipes and drink specials.
Have a safe and Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Cat (Mc)Crimins
Do you have a great local pub? Tell us about it!
The good news is that there is no shortage of pubs in Los Angeles. But that's also the bad news. How are you going to decide where to go? So many choices. Unless you have a favorite spot all picked out or you're plan is to drive around until you see shamrocks, I have a few suggestions. But please drink (and eat) responsibly.
Finn McCool's Irish Pub
2702 Main Street
Santa Monica, 90405
(310) 452 - 1734
There is a lot to love about this place. For starters, the bar itself was shipped to LA from Dublin. And to go along with the authentic Irish bar, most of the staff is Irish as well. There's nothing like hearing an Irish brogue to get you in the mood for St. Patty's Day. And if you come for the accents you'll stay for the food. Along with the traditional Irish fare they also have an extensive vegan and vegetarian menu if you'd rather have a healthier meal with your Guinness. On the other hand there's the Irish Nachos; cheddar cheese, Irish bacon, sour cream and salsa on top of their house made thick cut chips. So. Good.
They'll be open at 9am St Patrick's Day. Live traditional Irish music from 1-5pm then live rock and roll from 9pm to closing (around 2am).
Casey's Irish Pub
613 South Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, 90017
(213) 629 - 2353
Casey's is located in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles.This place has been here since 1969. It feels a bit moody; it's dark and rich and almost stylized. It's no wonder it's been used to film countless television shows and movies. There are a lot of cool elements in this pub including the ginormous mahogany bar, behind which you'll find all manner of Irish whiskeys and beers. They feature a good selection of Irish fare including a Guinness stew served with some of the best Irish soda bread I've ever had. And speaking of Guinness, you'll find it on the menu in two different places; on the drink menu and under the appetizers. Love it.
To celebrate St. Patrick's Day Casey's is closing the street out front. They'll have live music all day with no cover. And plenty of green beer, of course.
Timmy Nolan's Tavern and Grill
10111 Riverside Drive
Toluca Lake, 91602
(818) 985 - 3359
Timmy's is my local pub so I'm a bit partial to it. It has two stories of Irish charm and hospitality, you can either belly up to the downstairs bar or find a cozy booth upstairs. It's also a great place for sports fans with their 11 flat screens. They have over 20 beers on tap and over 20 Irish whiskeys available and a knowledgeable staff to help you decide which is the right one for you. The menu is full of Irish pub grub and comfort food - try the mac and cheese or the Irish Nachos. Timmy's Irish Nachos are very different than Finn's; Finn's are prepared with a bit more pizazz and, lets say restraint. Timmy's nachos are shameless and bad for you but perfect for soaking up all those pints you just drank. Steak-style fries smothered in cheese, Irish stew, bacon and who cares what else. And if that's not enough, try the Black Irish Brownie, topped with Jack Daniels caramel sauce and home made whipped cream.
Timmy's is celebrating St. Patrick's Day with bagpipes and drink specials.
Have a safe and Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Cat (Mc)Crimins
Do you have a great local pub? Tell us about it!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Is Rizzoli & Isles the next Xena Warrior Princess?
I say yes. Maybe. But Rizzoli has some pretty big boots to fill.
OK, so Angie Harmon will probably never be doing scissor kicks and I doubt Sasha Alexander will ever be crowned Queen of the Amazons but just give me a minute.
Here are 5 reasons why Rizzoli & Isles might be the next Xena and Gabrielle.
to gay bars. Speaking of which…
2. Subtext. Yes, the S word. Xena fans know it well. But in Xena's case, it took one full season
Rizzoli & Isles is not wasting any time.
It’s doubtful that R&I will ever jump the shark and give its lesbian fans what they want. Or at least what they think they want. Good sexual tension only exists when there isn't any sex going on (just ask the
producers of 'Moonlighting'). But even if the two leads were lesbians, angst and flirting
is way more fun than an actual relationship. On TV, anyway.
3. Fan Fiction. There are plenty of R&I fanfic stories populating the web. Some are more graphic
than others. R&I itself reads like a tag line for a new Uber XWP fanfic story. The tall, dark, butchie detective and the smart,
4. YouTube Videos. There are at least a dozen fan made videos on YouTube of R&I being cute and hot together set to songs like "My Life Would Suck Without You", "Falling For You" and "More than a Friend". And while R&I has a long way to go to match XWP’s hundreds, maybe thousands of fan videos online, it’s a start. Fan videos don't lie. Which brings us to number 5.
5. The Fans. I guess number five is more of a summary. There is an often ignored fan base out there waiting for a show to love and relate to. Though I cannot personally relate to murder victims and autopsies I can
relate to the bond two women share trying to navigate all of life's obstacles. And whether the obstacles include the Irish Mob or Gods and Monsters, friendship endures. And the R&I fanfic and fan videos are evidence that there are a lot of us out there. The fans have spoken.
While there will probably never be Rizzoli & Isles conventions and costume contests (although a Rizzoli Halloween costume wouldn't be a bad idea this year) there is something to be said for how quickly R&I has become a fan favorite among Xena fans.
relate to the bond two women
While there will probably never be Rizzoli & Isles conventions and costume
So let's hope the subtext continues and the writers keep toying with our Xenite emotions in Rizzoli
& Isles season 2, coming this summer. It’s nice having another 'girls that kick ass and then take baths together' show on the air again (the bath part is wishful thinking).
Cat Crimins
Let us know what you think? Is Rizzoli and Isles the next Xena? Are we forgetting an action show with lesbian subtext?

Let us know what you think? Is Rizzoli and Isles the next Xena? Are we forgetting an action show with lesbian subtext?

Thursday, January 6, 2011
We Love Marlowe The Monster and So Should You
Marlowe the Monster is one of the most unique online comics you'll ever find. It chronicals the life and times of Marlowe, a monster. Through Marlowe we learn that even monsters have to navigate life's trials and tribulations, like dating, family politics and asexual reproduction.
Marlowe is brought magically to life by creator and artist Shing Yin Khor. Marlowe and his other cast members are hand sculpted and live in a world of miniatures. Each week Shing brings us a brand new masterpiece made of clay, extra small props and hilarious captions. Shing is not only a creative artist, she's damn funny too.
There's a new Marlowe every Wednesday. Until then you can catch up on what you've missed here;
Marlowe is also on Facebook.
We're pretty sure once you get to know Marlowe, you'll love him too.
Cat Crimins
Marlowe is brought magically to life by creator and artist Shing Yin Khor. Marlowe and his other cast members are hand sculpted and live in a world of miniatures. Each week Shing brings us a brand new masterpiece made of clay, extra small props and hilarious captions. Shing is not only a creative artist, she's damn funny too.
There's a new Marlowe every Wednesday. Until then you can catch up on what you've missed here;
Marlowe is also on Facebook.
We're pretty sure once you get to know Marlowe, you'll love him too.
Cat Crimins
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