Sunday, June 12, 2011

Happy Pride!

We are on day 2 of LA Pride 2011!

At this very moment I am huddled in the back of our booth writing this. This is our first event and we are having a blast. Our shirts have been a huge hit and we've talked to some awesome people. It's a fun event. There are people of all ages, shapes, sizes and walks of life having a good time. We're all about good times.

We've also learned a lot this weekend.

1. Drunk people like buying shirts. God bless them.
2. Lady GaGa will be stuck in my head for a week. Apparently she's big with the gays.
3. You should hydrate if you're going to drink vodka and Rockstar all day. We've seen too many
EMTs pushing stretchers by our booth. Not good times.
4. We should sell V necks. Gay boys like V necks.
5. We have awesome friends!

The last one is probably the most important one. So many friends have come out to support us! Thank you guys so much!

This is a monumental weekend for us. Last year at LA Pride we weren't officially open for business yet. Our website was still being built and we only had a hand full of designs finished. And now we're here and it's going great and I am so proud. Proud that people love our shirts! Proud that Brock and Ali, my partners in t-shirt crime, believed in the company so much (even when there were times when I didn't) that they have worked their asses off to make TomboyTeez a reality. Thank you guys. This event wouldn't be going as well as it is if it wasn't for you guys.

So this is a weekend that will live in TomboyTeez infamy. Our first live event and our first Pride event. And it's going so great! OK. Breaks over. More to come later.
