Friday, July 29, 2011

The Greater Good

Fighting for the Greater Good is something that is very important to us. It’s what started Xena down the road to redemption... Why Han, Leia and Luke were fighting the Evil Empire... Why Mulder and Scully were searching for the truth... The Greater Good is worth fighting for. It’s helping those who can’t help themselves. It’s doing whatever you can to make the world a better place. And now is joining the fight.

We are pleased to announce our Charity of the Month program. Starting in August, we’ll choose one charity to spotlight every month. During that entire month, a portion of the proceeds from every shirt sold on our website will be donated to that charity. It’s our way of giving back and hopefully inspiring others to do the same.

August 2011’s charity is Real Medicine Foundation. RMF provides humanitarian support to disaster and poverty stricken areas. They operate in over 15 countries on 4 different continents. What sets them apart from other disaster relief organizations is the idea of establishing a long-term solution.

“Real Medicine Foundation provides humanitarian support to people living in disaster and poverty stricken areas, and continues to help communities long after the world’s spotlight has faded. We believe that ‘real’ medicine is focused on the person as a whole by providing medical/physical, emotional, economic and social support. 

Real Medicine Foundation’s vision is to move beyond traditional humanitarian aid programs by creating long-term solutions to health care and poverty related issues, focusing on development and capacity building. By empowering people and providing them with the necessary resources, we pave the way for communities to become strong and self-sufficient.” — Real Medicine Foundation, 2010

Some of Real Medicine Foundation’s programs include Maternal Child Healthcare, Malnutrition Eradication, HIV/AIDS Care, Malaria Treatment and Prevention, and Microfinance and Livelihood projects. Their efforts are truly global, including initiatives in Japan, Haiti, India, Uganda and even here at home in the US. 

So start shopping at and make a difference today. Help us save the world, one t-shirt at a time. Visit our website to learn more about our TomboyTeez Gives Backprograms, and for a look at this and the other charities we our supporting.

Cat Crimins

Thursday, July 14, 2011 Does Dallas!

                                       3-shot-Aug2010 has been around since the fall of 2009 but only a few people knew about it back then. Included in those few were two of my best friends, Allison ("Ali") and Stephanie ("Brock") Brockford. I enlisted them in January of 2010 to help me bring TomboyTeez (or TTZ as we affectionately call it) to life. Ali has design and screen printing experience and Stephanie has marketing and web design experience. So we joined forces and started building We opened for business officially in December of 2010 and we were all so proud of our web baby we could hardly stand it. 

Then in February of this year my partners in crime told me they were leaving Los Angeles and moving to Dallas (that’s in Texas). Brock was born and raised in Dallas, and LA had little left to offer this young family. “Los Angeles was not working out for us as a family. We want our daughter to grow up in a nice house, in a safe neighborhood. With the way things were going, that was never going to happen.” – Ali.

Leaving LA: An Odyssey
As you can imagine pulling up stakes and moving a family of three 1,400 miles away was a snap. No problem. Easy peasy. Or not.
On Sunday March 20th, as all of their worldly possessions were on a moving truck bound for Texas, The Brockfords were trying to escape LA. Ali needed to start her new job at 9am Monday morning and Los Angeles was experiencing its biggest rain storm in recent memory. And we’re not just talking about a wimpy Southern California rain storm; we’re talking serious down pour. That day they dealt with canceled flights, long ticket counter lines, a stir crazy 18 month old, stand by lists, plane changes, late airport shuttles and closed rental car companies. But they made it to Brock’s Dad’s place by 3am, giving Ali a few hours to rest before her first day at her new job. “That was a rough, long day, and the next day was pretty difficult for Ali. But I do have to say that I really felt a sense of accomplishment that we even made it!” – Brock. 

I’m glad they survived that day and made it in one piece. I couldn’t be prouder of them for making the move. Dallas is lucky to have them. I miss them like crazy but thanks to TTZ we talk and text constantly and Skype remind us of what each other looks like.

Los Angeles’ Loss Is Dallas’ Gain
I have to say I wasn’t thrilled to find out that three of my favorite humans would be moving several states away but I knew it was a great decision for the Brockfords. And I also knew that the day to day operations of TomboyTeez would not be affected. In fact the T-shirts don’t know the Brockfords have moved. Shhhh. “Actually the distance and time change has probably forced us to be more on top of communication and timelines.” Brock adds “If anything, it’s opened us up to new opportunities in a different market – like the chance to do Dallas Pride!” Speaking of Dallas Pride...

TomboyTeez Does Dallas…Y’all!
Dallas Pride ParadeSo now its summer of 2011 and the Brockfords are settling into their new home quite nicely and we’re all still basking in the awesomeness that was LA Pride. What better way to celebrate our friends’ new hometown than by going to Dallas Pride? So its official, if you’re going to be in the Dallas area on Sunday September 18th, come on down to the Dallas Pride Festival and visit our booth! You can give the Brockfords a “welcome to Texas” hand shake or high five and pick up a TomboyTee or two. More details about the event as we get closer to September.