Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Thank You Huell Howser

Huell Howser, a local television legend, passed away earlier this week and I felt the need to honor him. His show, California's Gold, documented Huell traveling around the state and visiting interesting places and the people connected to those places.

Whether he was visiting an historic landmark or a local restaurant or farm, Huell made the ordinary, extraordinary. His energy and genuine excitement made everything he was doing engaging and interesting. No sarcasm or irony. Just genuine enthusiasm. In a world where the bad news always seems to drown out the good, Huell Howser was a refreshingly positive beacon of what's good about all of us.

If you aren't familiar with his work, I encourage you to go on YouTube and watch some of the many videos available featuring Huell. You'll find plenty of parodies and imitators but you'll also find some classic Huell Howser interviews. Like Huell talking to colorful locals at the Bagdad Cafe or Huell and the avocado eating dog.

Huell taught me that everyone has a story and everyone's story, if told by a good storyteller, can be interesting.

Thanks Huell, for making California into a magical place. A place full of amazing people, places and things.

Cat Crimins

"If you have a good story, it doesn’t have to be overproduced. I want our stories to reveal the wonders of the human spirit and the richness of life in California, including its history, people, culture and natural wonders."  - Huell Howser

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